Mediumship Clairvoyance is an enhanced development of our natural 'sixth sense', which is our ability to know things even when they are not obvious and to understand things we have never learned. Clairvoyants have the gift of being able to link to Spirit in order to give clear messages. Literally Clairvoyance means 'clear seeing'. It is the ability to see things with full perspective, which includes the past, present and the potential future. Energy fields, called Auras, which surround objects and people, can also be seen and interpreted using this ability.
Tarot Tarot provides the answers to your life. It describes your joys, problems, conflicts, and issues. It identifies life patterns, pinpoints areas where change would manifest a better direction, and directs you toward success. The cards show you what you need to see, to teach you what Spirit needs for you to know. It is more than simply "fortune-telling." By objectively understanding your situation and learning the best way to move forward, you will create your absolute best future. If you don't like what you see, Tarot gently guides you to show you how to change your outcome to create your best future. Tarot is wise and honest, and serves to protect and guide us with our highest good always in mind.
Angel Cards Angels are beautiful beings of Light, who choose to help and guide human Souls on earth. All Angels are able to see everything from the highest perspective possible and can understand the Heart, Mind and Soul of every human being. Whether it relates to the life being lived, the choices made so far, or the best potential we can discover inside us - Angels see it all. They hear our prayers, our fears, our doubts and our joys. Even our secrets are obvious to them. Yet nothing is judged in any way and all they give - their whole existence - is based upon unconditional love and support. Even though Angels are beings of such purity, they each have their own individual 'personality', style and area of expertise. They can see all the possible pathways we can tread at any given point in our lives, depending on the choices we make and they do all in their power to help us, here on earth, to make the best choices for ourselves and to support us in setting ourselves free from wrong relationships and negativity.
Life Path The western form of Numerology, the Pythagorian system, is among the most enduring and popular of all self-help methods ever created. The Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians, early Christians, Mayans and Incas all employed number systems to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. Pythagorian Numerology was organized by Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical disciplines of the Arabic, Druid, Phoenician, Egyptian and Essene sciences. Since then, it has continued to evolve. It formed the spiritual basis for many secret societies, such as the Rosicrusians, Masons, Anthroposophists and others. Today, its popularity continues to grow. Numerologists are consulted with increasing regularity for everything from personal romance to business.